Japji Pauri 14 also known as Mannai Maarag 

Complete Mantra: 
mannai maarag thaak na paa-ay. 
mannai pat si-o pargat jaa-ay. 
mannai mag na chalai panth. 
mannai dharam saytee san-bandh. 
aisaa naam niranjan ho-ay. 
jay ko man jaanai man ko-ay. ||14|| 

More Information: 
The path of the faithful shall never be blocked. 
The faithful shall depart with honor and fame. 
The faithful do not follow empty religious rituals. 
The faithful are firmly bound to the Dharma. 
Such is the Name of the Immaculate One. 
Only one who has faith comes to know such a state of mind. ||14|| 

The Fourteenth Pauri will show you the way when you cannot find your path in life, when you cannot see the direction to your destiny, and when you cannot achieve fulfillment. 


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