Mantra: Om Shree Krishna Sharana + Radha Krishna

Complete Mantra:
Om Shree Krishna Sharanam Mama
Radha Sham :

Praise to the Great Krishna
And the shelter of the Divine Mother
Radha Sham: Sham is another name for Krishna.
Radha is Krishna's consort and Divine love.

More Information:
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna teaches of duty, love, nonattachment and deathlessness. Our duty is to follow our true nature without hesitation. One of Krishna's messages is that if you have the courage to allow every action to stem from the core of your being - a place of truth, love, creativity and authenticity - then you will always be protected and rewarded.
The yearning Radha and Krishna have for one another is the same longing we all have to unite with the Sacred in any of it's forms; one's true Self, one's true love, the Great Spirit, the Divine part of any being.
Mantra, translation and comments courtesy of:


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